Financial Calculators Payroll Tax Calculator Filing Status: Single or Head of Household Married filing jointly Married filing separately Your Salary: Spouse Salary (if filing jointly): loading… Income Tax Calculator Taxable Income: Tax Rate (%): loading… Credit Card Debt Calculator Current Balance (Amount Owed): Annual Percentage Rate (%): Minimum Monthly Payment Calculation: Interest + 1% Balance 2% 2.08% 2.5% 2.78% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5% Additional Payment Per Month: Fixed Amount (Greater than Minimum): loading… College Savings Calculator Target Amount: Years: Before-Tax Interest (%): Amount Already Saved: loading… Paycheck Calculator Hourly Wage: (or) Annual Income: Average Hours per Week: Weeks Worked Per Year: 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 loading… Auto Loan Calculator Auto Loan Amount: Length of Auto Loan in Months: Interest Rate for Auto Loan: loading… Simple Retirement Calculator Required Annual Income (current dollars): Years until Retirement: Years after Retirement: Annual Inflation (%): Annual Return on Balance (%): loading… Mortgage Affordability Calculator Annual Income: Monthly Debts: Down Payment ($): Years: Mortgage Rate: Debt to Income ratio (defaults to 36%): loading…